In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Almighty has said:

 This is stated in Surah Ar-Ra'd, verse 36 of the Holy Qur'an


And those to whom We have given the Scripture rejoice in that which has been revealed to you, and of those who disbelieve in it is one of those who disbelieve. This is what I invite you to, and to Him is the return.


This verse mentions different groups of Jews and Christians. Some of them are those who are happy to hear the verses of the Holy Qur'an that this is the Book of God Almighty which was foretold in the previous heavenly books as In the Torah of the Jews, Allah Almighty revealed the signs and in the Psalms as many books as have come before the Qur'an. Allah Almighty had said that there would be a last prophet whose name will be (Muhammad) and the last book will be the Qur'an. And the truth will be true because today those books are not preserved in their original form, the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospel, etc. So many people in this group believed in the Prophet Muhammad, both among the Christians and among the Jews, On the one hand, the disbelievers of Makkah are ashamed that those who have the heavenly guidance are believing, and those who have neither the Book nor any other heavenly guidance are averse to believing, and on the other hand the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet (peace be upon him) and other Muslims have also been reassured that where there are enemies of Islam Many people are also accepting this message of guidance. The second group of Jews and Christians is the infidels who deny some parts of the Holy Qur'an. By mentioning some parts, it has been pointed out that some of the Jews and Christians Even those who do not believe cannot deny all the sayings of the Holy Qur'an because many of its sayings are the same as those found in the Torah and the Gospel, such as Tawheed, belief in the previous prophets, and their belief in the Hereafter. They think that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has no means of knowing these things. Obviously, you know these things by revelation. Should

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