A true story

 A true story

Born into a family in the United States, Samia holds a master's degree in microbiology. Samia says that the most incomprehensible thing for me in Christianity was the belief in the Trinity. Sacrifice to be forgiven, ie Jesus and the third God, the Holy Spirit. Then which god should you worship and from whom should you ask? During education, Samia befriended a Muslim boy. I expressed this concern to my friend. Provided for reading. Samia says that reading the Quran changed my life. After reading it, I became convinced that it is indeed a book of Allah Almighty. It mentioned the blessings and rewards of Allah Almighty. That Allah Almighty is so merciful that He will forgive all sins except polytheism. While reciting the Qur'an, I began to weep uncontrollably. I was also happy to get the Qur'an. I was surprised to read the scientific explanations of the Qur'an N. Majeed had pointed out the basic principles of every field of science fourteen hundred years ago today, when at that time there was no concept of these principles, then I became convinced that the Qur'an is a book revealed by Allah Almighty and I Has decided to convert to Islam. Peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)


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