Allaah has said in the Qur'aan:


        And forsake sins both outwardly and inwardly. Surely those who sin will soon be recompensed for all that they used to do.

In the commentary of this verse, outward sins include those sins which a person commits with his outward limbs, such as lying is really salvation and lying is death. He further said that backbiting is a noble hadith. The sin of backbiting is more than adultery. You can judge for yourself how much sin we commit while sitting. Yes, it is haraam. See, when we eat haraam, where will our supplication be accepted? Then we say that Allah Almighty does not accept our supplication. He does not listen to us when it is haraam inside our stomach. If you become a halal eater, then I say with certainty that when you ask for supplication, you will not touch your face yet, Allah Almighty will accept the supplication first, drinking alcohol, etc. It happens like jealousy, hypocrisy, arrogance, hatred, malice of others, etc. Repent from today, don't do these things. May Allaah help us to avoid jealousy, hypocrisy, deceit, bribery, alcohol and lies.

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