3-7-2021 Surah Tubah Verse No. 3


And on the day of Hajj Akbar (2) it is announced by Allah and His Messenger to all human beings that Allah has also renounced the polytheists, and so has His Messenger. Now, if you repent, it will be better for you, and if you turn away, then remember that you cannot frustrate Allah, and that the disbelievers will have a painful punishment. Give the good news


2: This command to give up had come, but Allah Almighty, for the sake of justice from all these people, started these different periods from the time when they became aware of all these commandments, the most effective means of proclamation in all of Arabia is This announcement should have been made on the occasion of Hajj, because at that time all the Arabs used to gather in Hijaz, and by that time the polytheists also used to come for Hajj, so the Hajj which took place in 9 AH after the conquest of Mecca, this year The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) himself did not go for Hajj, but he sent Abu Bakr (ra) as the emir of Hajj. After him, he sent Hazrat Ali (ra) for the same purpose. That they should announce these rulings in public, because the custom among the Arabs was that if a person had made a treaty and he wanted to terminate it, it was considered necessary to announce the termination of the treaty or Let him do it himself or any of his close relatives, so the Prophet (peace be upon him) sent Hazrat Ali (RA).

 (Al-Dar Al-Manthur 114 C, 4 Beirut 1421 AH).

 It should be noted that Hajj Akbar is called every Hajj because Umrah is a small Hajj and Hajj is a bigger Hajj than it, and it is well known among the people that if Hajj comes on Friday then it is Hajj Akbar. Not really. If Hajj is performed on Friday, then of course two virtues are added. But it is not correct to call it Hajj Akbar only, but this title belongs to every Hajj, no matter what day it is.

           Seeker of your prayers Qari Ismail

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