The literal meaning of woman

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Woman is a woman and woman is an Arabic word. Woman means nudity. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: A woman is completely naked. Hide her, cover her and cover her. Here the mausoleum is called women. The mausoleum is from the line. The line is hidden. No one walks around naked with their seventies. However, lunatics do walk around with their seventies open. If women consider their own name, what they are told is this. The problem is solved. You are a mausoleum. Be a mausoleum. Do not be a revelation. That is, in another open place. The Qur'an Al-Hakim says: Verse No. 30 of Surah An-Noor. Translation: O Prophet (peace be upon him)! Keep it and protect your private parts and explain in verse no. 31 of Surah An-Noor and also explain to Muslim women to keep their eyes down and protect their chastity. What is the ruling on both men and women looking at their eyes? Keep it low. A woman should not look at a non-man, nor a man should look at a non-woman, and he should protect his infallibility It was revealed at that time that when the women were in the veil, they were commanded not to look at her if she was going, even though she was in the veil, then the same is the rule for women and all these rules. Allah Almighty has revealed it so that no one should have the opportunity to do anything wrong because Satan is attached to man. Then see that ihram is worn on the occasion of Hajj. Ihram means forbidding things above oneself, such as the head. Do not cover the ankles, do not cover, do not wear sewn clothes. Similarly, the ihram of women is in the face, that is, they do not wear gloves on their faces or cover their hands, but if a man comes forward, a cloth is put on his face. Aisha (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: We used to be in ihraam, but if a man came in front of us, we would put a cloth over his face. Consider how strict it is for women who do not wear hijab to cover their faces during Hajj. Even in this case, if a non-male comes forward, the veil has to be covered. The torment is taking over

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