How to prepare for Ramadan

Completion of shopping Do as much work as possible with regard to the purchase of Ramadan and Eid, and it is not possible that most of the nights of the month of Ramadan, Shab-e-Qadr and the moon-night are wasted in the purchase of Eid. If it happens, try to take the least amount of time and always have thoughts and prayers in your heart that all the affairs of the world should be dealt with as soon as possible and as much time as possible should be spent on the remembrance of Allah and recitation of the Qur'an. Stay away from those gatherings, those friends, all the means, places and things that lead a person astray, especially those that are your weaknesses, try to stay away from them and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: If he does not stop acting, then Allah does not need him to stop eating and drinking. Let us intend that we will control our tongue. We will not harm anyone with our tongue. Gossip, gossip, slander, etc. We will keep them safe and if anyone speaks harshly to us that we are ready to fight, we will tell him that we are fasting. We can't do actions by fasting. These actions are to purify our lives. If I am fasting, then how can I do this by fasting? Choosing a mosque for Taraweeh Most of us have Taraweeh. They choose the mosques where they try to perform Taraaweeh prayers in the shortest time by reciting the Qur'aan. May Allaah forgive them. There are some who complete Taraaweeh prayers in half an hour, even though they do not have the opportunity. Let us consider the happiness of reciting the Qur'an in Taraweeh not for ourselves, but we consider it a reverse burden, and those who listen behind us are also praying to Allah Almighty to help us to prepare for Ramadan properly while we are doing our worldly work. Kaj works very satisfactorily and calmly, so in this Ramadan, find such mosques in advance where the recitation of the Holy Quran is done in Taraweeh with great satisfaction and in clear words. At least he should memorize it so that he can stay in the supererogatory prayers for a long time on the nights of Ramadan You should memorize the Qur'anic recitations. Arrange them in advance so that you select the verses and supplications of the Qur'an and start memorizing them from this blessed Ramadan. This process will continue throughout the year and from this year onwards. Start reading with the translation of the Holy Quran will be completed in a few years, God willing

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