The Qur'an is advice

 The Qur'an is a reminder that Allah Almighty, while explaining the virtue of His Holy Word and encouraging its value, says that We have sent down to you this Book in which you have greatness, your religion is your law and your words. You do not appreciate the blessings, and you neglect the Book of honor, as there is a place for you and a reminder for your people, and you will be questioned about it. We destroyed many of the settlements after Noah. And how many settlements were there that were formerly high and mighty, but then We destroyed them because of the oppression of the people therein? The population was reduced to rubble, the prosperity of the people was changed after their death and the people were made their successors. One nation after another and after another nation, the third did not come when they saw the torment coming. That they came under the punishment of Allah according to the command of the Prophet of Allah.

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